
Jonathan Edwards: An Introduction to His Thought is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) has long been recognized as one of the preeminent thinkers in the early Enlightenment and a major figure in the history of American Christianity. In this accessible one-volume text, leading Edwards experts Oliver Crisp and Kyle Strobel introduce readers to the formidable mind of Jonathan Edwards as they survey key theological and philosophical themes in his thought,...

He squirreled away the ideas he gleaned from the books and magazines he read in numerous notebooks and ledgers that he kept with typical fastidiousness throughout his adult life. These repositories for his ideas served several purposes. He used them in the training of ministerial candidates who came to lodge in the Edwards household, testing their theological knowledge through what he called his familiar method of questioning a candidate and getting him to reflect and respond for himself, using the
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